Tamil Nadu has got something to offer for every traveller visiting the state. The magnificent temples of Madhurai ,Rameswarum and Kanyakumari temples with the wonderfully designed facades and the intricately carved sculptures in Madurai, Rameshwaram,The centuries old temples have the treasures of the matchless architectures which were not only the places of worships but also the centres cultivating communal harmony and peace.
Transportation: By A/c Deluxe coach
Hotel: Hotel Srinidhi for fresh up or Similar at Madhurai
Hotel Rameswarum Grand or Similar at Rameswarum
Hotel Gopinivas Grand at Kanyakumari
Covered Places: Madhurai, Rameswaram, Suchindrum and Kanyakumari
Highlights :
- Well chalked out itinerary, giving enough time to visit all the important sightseeing places.
- Professional guide who will engage and enrich your knowledge about tourist spots and
- LTC fecilities for State , central and PSUs employees
For More Click https://nomadtours24.com/mini-south-indiamadurai-rameshwaram-kanyakumari/
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